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The 411...

5/30/05 --I've just found out about the greatest thing--blogging! It's an online diary of sorts. I love it so much, I've got three of them.

Dee411: - A Keeping-it-Real-For-God Blogspot. Not only a Personal Diary, but a Spiritual and practical resource blog as well. Here you will find discussions and resources that will include but are not limited to: abstinence, abuse, being single and saved, bi-polar disorder, child support, elder care, homosexuality, family structure, feminism, incest, masturbation, ministry, music, pre-marital sex, rape, relationships, sin, singing, single parenthood, songwriting, teens, writing, work ethic and worship.
Divine Perspective: - Newsletter and informational blog of Rivers in the Desert Community Church Inc., Brooklyn, New York. This blog will discuss several topics which include but are not limited to: abstinence, abuse, being single and saved, bi-polar disorder, child support, elder care, homosexuality, family structure, feminism, incest, masturbation, ministry, music, pre-marital sex, rape, relationships, sin, singing, single parenthood, songwriting, teens, writing, work ethic and worship.

Age is Just a Number: - Serial Memoir, online dating advice and reviews of online dating sites used by yours truly.

2/6/05 --
Well, it's been a while since I posted, but I've not been sleeping.  Check out my latest, which has been receiving rave reviews!

11/26/04 --Well, it's official.  I now have work published and am in the process of authoring a memoir in serial format.  

For those of you thinking...what's a serial memoir?  A serial memoir is true stories/memories laid out in sequential order, utilizing the tenets of fiction writing to make the truth come alive!

For a sample click here

10/25/04 --Launch of my new website and ezine, At The Water Cooler (ATWC), went off without a hitch!  I've received some positive feedback and the email list grows.  I did however receive an email enquiring why so racist.  After picking my chin up off the floor...I responded check out the Q&A section.

Exhale Ezine
At The Water Cooler Ezine

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