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Awards for Writers...

The Hurston/Wright Award™ for College Writers

The Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Award™ has been established by novelist Marita Golden to honor excellence in fiction writing by students of African descent enrolled full time as undergraduate or graduate students in any college or university in the United States.

The first place award of $1,000 and two finalist awards of $500 will be presented at a ceremony in April 2005 to the writers of the best previously unpublished short story or novel excerpt. This ceremony will take place in Washington, D.C.


At the time of submission, applicants must be enrolled in a college or university full time as an undergraduate or graduate student. Writers who have published a book in any genre are ineligible.

How to Apply:

Those interested in applying for the 2005 Hurston/Wright Award should submit two (2) copies of a typed (double spaced) manuscript of no more than twenty-five (25) pages to:

The Hurston/Wright Awards
6525 Belcrest Road
Suite 531
Hyattsville, MD 20782

Please indicate on each of the two (2) copies of the manuscript whether it is a short story or novel excerpt. Only one story may be submitted per applicant. Manuscripts will not be returned. Your name, address, phone number, and school in which you are enrolled should be enclosed on a separate sheet. Do not include your name on any manuscript page.

To ensure acknowledgement of receipt of your submission, you may send it by certified mail, receipt requested.

Entries must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2004. The award will be announced during the first week of March 2005. Nominated winners will be required to provide verification of college enrollment. Previous winners and finalists are ineligible.

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American Legacy Magazine
Audrey Peterson, Editor. 85% - 100% freelance. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 1 - 12 months after acceptance. Rights purchased not specified. Accepts reprints "if writer will tailor to our style and needs." Responds 1 - 8 weeks. Sample articles at website. Subscription $9.95. Guidelines by email. Submit query with cover letter and bio (a few clips help) or complete ms by mail with SASE.

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Atlanta Tribune:
Black Atlanta's #1 resource for business, careers, technology and wealth building. Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 2-6 months after acceptance. Buys all rights (including electronic rights). No reprints. Responds 4-6 weeks. Sample free with written, mailed request, or see website. Subscription $24.  Submit query by email to:  frobinson@atlantatribune.com.

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Thank you for your interest in writing for ESSENCE, the magazine for African-American and Caribbean women. We feature personal-growth articles, celebrity profiles, and well-reported pieces on political and social issues. We also look for articles on relationships, careers, money, health and fitness. And we run short items on community activists and people in the arts. Word length is given upon assignment.

If we think your subject is of interest to our readers but you are a writer new to ESSENCE, you may be asked to submit the completed manuscript on speculation.  Payment will be made if the article is accepted for publication.

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US Black Engineer & Information Technology Magazine,
Eric Addison, Managing Editor. 50% freelance.  Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 3 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. Occasionally accepts reprints. Responds 6 weeks. Sample by phone (410) 244-7101x116 or online. Subscription $26. Guidelines not available. Queries. Pays $0.50/word (or negotiable rates). Submit query and cover letter by mail with SASE. 

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BBM Magazine
NWWP Media is always on the “look-out” for excellent writers and dynamic material.  Types of writing: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, social interest, African American history, and political analysis… We look forward to reading your work!  S
ubmitted material chosen for publication will be paid upon publication. 

COMMISSIONED MATERIAL: NEW-WORLD WRITERS PUBLISHING LLC, retains all copyright and license.  Commissioned material will be paid 50% upon assignment and 50% upon publication

Black Berry Speak
BlackBerrySpeak.com Urban Magazine. It's Time and Newsweek with flava. A real magazine, not just a web site, that includes news, commentary, business, sports, entertainment, spiritualities, and much much more.  Welcomes new writers.  Accepts books for reviews, poetry and short stories.  Small compensation and byline credit.  Email submission only: bbs@iebbmedia.com ATTN: Book or Short Story or Poetry Submission

Black Warrior Review
Send submissions to the attention of Poetry Editor, Fiction Editor or Nonfiction Editor. 95% freelance. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1 - 6 months after acceptance. Buys first-time rights; all rights revert to authors on publication. Responds 1 - 5 months. Purchase sample online or by mail with $8, payable to the University of Alabama. Subscription $14. Guidelines online under 'Submit'. Depending upon available funds, pays $50 - $75 per poem; $150 for prose." "Submit complete ms or queries on interviews." 

Expresso Fiction
We are ALWAYS looking for entertaining stories between 1,000 and 3,500 words to email our subscribers.  Pays $30 flat rate.

Site publishes genre based Serial Ezines.  Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Fiction, How-To, Memoirs/Diaries, Romance and Westerns. Query with story basics (no clips).  Pays 70% of subscription fees.

Vortical Magazine
VorticalMag.com works at being a quarterly online literary site.  We welcome submissions of short fiction, memoir, or self-contained novel excerpts in traditional and experimental styles.  We buy online rights for 90 days, with one-time non-exclusive print anthology rights.  We pay up to $300 for featured writers.  We pay an honorarium of $25 to all other writers we accept.

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BBM Magazine
NWWP Media is always on the “look-out” for excellent writers and dynamic material.  Types of writing: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, social interest, African American history, and political analysis… We look forward to reading your work!  S
ubmitted material chosen for publication will be paid upon publication. 

COMMISSIONED MATERIAL: NEW-WORLD WRITERS PUBLISHING LLC, retains all copyright and license.  Commissioned material will be paid 50% upon assignment and 50% upon publication

Black Warrior Review
Send submissions to the attention of Poetry Editor, Fiction Editor or Nonfiction Editor. 95% freelance. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1 - 6 months after acceptance. Buys first-time rights; all rights revert to authors on publication. Responds 1 - 5 months. Purchase sample online or by mail with $8, payable to the University of Alabama. Subscription $14. Guidelines online under 'Submit'.  Depending upon available funds, pays $50 - $75 per poem; $150 for prose." "Submit complete ms or queries on interviews." 

Children's Writer
A 12-page monthly newsletter in two sections reporting on the marketplace for children's writing--books, articles, stories, plays, activities, and more.  Current news, trends, tips, how to write to publish.  Pays up to $300.

Common Ground Magazine
We pay 10 cents per word.  Articles of 600 to 1,500 words are accepted.  We will consider longer articles, up to 2,500 words, but will probably ask you to edit them to a shorter length once they are accepted, but please query first.  Most articles are enhanced by a high contrast, compelling photo, line drawing or graphic.  Western Canada's biggest and best-loved monthly magazine dedicated to health, wellness, ecology and personal growth.

Thank you for your interest in writing for ESSENCE, the magazine for African-American and Caribbean women. We feature personal-growth articles, celebrity profiles, and well-reported pieces on political and social issues. We also look for articles on relationships, careers, money, health and fitness. And we run short items on community activists and people in the arts. Word length is given upon assignment.

If we think your subject is of interest to our readers but you are a writer new to ESSENCE, you may be asked to submit the completed manuscript on speculation.  Payment will be made if the article is accepted for publication.

Family Chronicle
Family Chronicle is based in Toronto, Canada.  However, over 90 percent of the circulation is in the US with the balance in Canada.  Payment varies:  However it is not less than $55 per page and the average is considerably higher.  The magazine is for families researching their roots.

Family Digest Magazine
For Black women juggling marriage, family, work and dreams.
Publisher's note: In a world that has ignored, demeaned, devalued and berated the Black family, we stand forth to celebrate and empower Black mothers, fathers, husbands and wives. Come join us in this movement! 

Family Digest Magazine is a magazine for Black Moms/Female heads-of-household; helping them get more out of their roles as wife, mother, home-manager - with special emphasis on areas of interest to Black Americans.

We pay upon publication. Writing fees vary based on budget and need. We will contact you with rate at time of initial contact.  Please feel free to contact editor@familydigest.com with any questions or comments.

New York Trend
Ms. Felicia, Managing Editor. 60% freelance. Pays at the end of the month. Publishes ms 2-4 weeks after acceptance. Buys one-time rights. Accepts reprints. Responds 1-7 days. Sample by phone request. Subscription $15. Guidelines by email.  Pays flat fee of $25-$50 for 800+ words. Submit resume and query letter via email.

Venus Magazine
Charlene Cothran, Editor. 60% freelance. Pays 6 weeks after publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys all rights. Accepts some reprints. Responds 1 week. Sample for email request. Subscription $14.95; $29.95 outside U.S. Guidelines for email request. Payment varies and is negotiable. Max. article length 2000 words. Submit query. 

Vortical Magazine
VorticalMag.com works at being a quarterly online literary site. We welcome submissions of short fiction, memoir, or self-contained novel excerpts in traditional and experimental styles. We buy online rights for 90 days, with one-time non-exclusive print anthology rights. We pay up to $300 for featured writers. We pay an honorarium of $25 to all other writers we accept. 

Woman's Day Essays
These essays are always based on the writer’s personal experience and written in the first person. We like to cover significant issues that concern a large number of women and families, rather than subjects that impact only a few. The sentiments expressed should strike a chord with readers. Essays run about 650 words. Woman's Day pays $2000 on acceptance.

Content based site.  Pays $10-$15 for 500-800 words, 2,000 max.  Purchases all rights.  Pays on the first of each month.


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BBM Magazine
NWWP Media is always on the “look-out” for excellent writers and dynamic material.  Types of writing: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, social interest, African American history, and political analysis… We look forward to reading your work!  S
ubmitted material chosen for publication will be paid upon publication. 

COMMISSIONED MATERIAL: NEW-WORLD WRITERS PUBLISHING LLC, retains all copyright and license.  Commissioned material will be paid 50% upon assignment and 50% upon publication

Black Berry Speak
BlackBerrySpeak.com Urban Magazine. It's Time and Newsweek with flava. A real magazine, not just a web site, that includes news, commentary, business, sports, entertainment, spiritualities, and much much more.  Welcomes new writers.  Accepts books for reviews, poetry and short stories.  Small compensation and byline credit.  Email submission only: bbs@iebbmedia.com ATTN: Book or Short Story or Poetry Submission

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Genesis Press

Submission Guidelines  

The following are our submission guidelines for writers interested in being published by Genesis Press, Inc.  Please follow these guidelines if you wish to have your work considered for publication.  We do not accept queries or submissions by phone, fax or e-mail.  Please include with your submission a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) for a reply.  If you wish for all of your materials to be returned, ensure that a SASE sufficient in size and postage is included.  Please do not use metered mail.  We do not return a manuscript if a SASE is not included.  We will, however, keep materials for a period of 30 days in case a SASE should be sent afterwards.  All queries should be mailed to the following address:

Genesis Press, Inc.
1213 Hwy 45 N
Columbus, MS 39705

General Guidelines

Full novels, when requested, should be between 75,000 and 100,000 words. Except for Fiction/Non-Fiction where up to 180,000 words are acceptable. Main characters must be African-American or cross-cultural. 

When sending a submission, we ask for a substantial outline/synopsis as well as the first three chapters of your work, along with your query letter and SASE.

We are primarily looking for original works, but we will consider works which have been self-published, e-published or are out of print.  Unagented writers are considered.

We are open to non-traditional stories as well as traditional.  Elements we accept include, but are not limited to: multi-racial/ethnic, cross-cultural, and erotica.

Submissions should be typed and double-spaced with one-inch margins.

Please allow 60 – 90 days for initial review and response to any inquiry and an additional 60 – 90 days for replies regarding favorable manuscripts.

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Book-Remarks.com is a top viewed web site that promotes literary works which may reflect the African-American culture.  In addition to posting information regarding new releases by mainstream as well as self-published writers, we also provide readers with monthly author interviews, book previews, book reviews, postings about upcoming literary events, a list of anticipated releases for the current year and beyond, and press releases regarding events, awards, and other related web content.

The web site was launched in March 2000 in order to promote books written by or about African-Americans. Author Interviews are posted monthly and are scheduled at least three months in advance. BookRemarks is not a book club, but an online resource that posts literary information of interest to readers and writers.

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Words & Images

Words and Images is now accepting submissions for our 2005 edition.  Submitting entries is free and the deadline is December 31.  Send works of previously unpublished prose (20 pages or less), poetry (10 pages or less) or prints of artwork to:

Words & Images
University of Southern Maine
11 Baxter Blvd.
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME, 04104-9300. 

Words & Images is also sponsoring the third annual Stephen Dunn Poetry Award and the Andre Dubus Short Fiction Award. For a $12.00 reading fee, submissions will be entered into award consideration. Award winners will automatically be published in the 2005 edition of Words & Images. Please specify which award you are entering for and enclose a check or money order addressed to Words & Images. Each award winner will receive special recognition in the 2005 edition as well as a monetary award. For more information about Words & Images, including submission guidelines, contest rules, and deadlines, please visit our website at http://www.wordsandimages.org. 

Submissions can be sent via U.S. mail to: 

Words and Images
11 Baxter Blvd.
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME, 04104-9300. 

Okay, we know you all have some kind of families...so here's our
CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS 2004-2005 FAMILY POEMS Bottom Dog Press, Inc. is looking for poems dealing with family.  They plan to publish FAMILY POEMS in 2005 edited by Larry Smith and Ann Smith.   The poems may relate to such sub-themes as: Couples & Marriage (Lovers & Mates), Divorce, Grandparents, Parents and Children, Brothers and Sisters, Family Struggles, Family Types and Rites" Class, Ethnicity, Change, Diversity. They will consider reprints if rights are cleared. Payment is $10 and 1 copy of the book.

Send 3-5 poems with a self-addressed stamped envelope with adequate postage for return to

Bottom Dog Press
PO Box 425
Huron, OH 44839.

Deadline is May 1, 2005.

They are the publishers of the award winning anthology O Taste and See: Food Poems and America Zen: A Gathering of Poets.

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Age is Just A Number
by D.S. White
Memoir in serial format
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