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I am who I am---by the grace of God

An avid reader, D.S. White is the former proprietor of an online African-American bookstore. Unfortunately, she didn't have a back up plan for 9/11/01. Nevertheless, she has made a home for herself working amongst books at a Publishing House.

She is the mother of a fabulous 19 year old who is attending her sophomore year at the University of Pennsylvania. D.S. White loves traveling but most of it to date has been done within the pages of a book.

After much time spent online, she has realized that there are many Divine's in the world. They come in all shapes, sizes, ethnicities and financial brackets drawn together by a commonality, a deep-seated loneliness and/or hunger for something, and the generally accepted solution is the search for a mate.

This recounting, although entertaining, is intended to acknowledge that the need exists, affirm the validity of the need, share the pain and caution the naive and pose the the question that maybe...just maybe...the accepted solution ought to be an ongoing relationship with God?

D.S. White welcomes any and all comments and/or questions, so feel free to share your thoughts and/or reactions.

Exhale Ezine
At The Water Cooler Ezine

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