Where your dreams take flight

Advertising with ATWC (At the Water Cooler) ...
ATWC reaches the African American writing community.  Spread the word about your product or service through online or newsletter exposure. ATWC does not accept any get-rich-quick schemes.

Consider the possibilities...

ATWC Newsletter
Launched 10/25/04 with twenty-seven (27) members.   Seventy-nine (79) members and growing as of 5/02/05.  Our Ads are for and about anything that benefits the African-American writer or the African American Community as a whole.  We allow ten lines of 60 characters.  Since our readership is small but growing, we are offering low rates for the first two years.

$5 for 1 year (12 issues)

Use dswhite@atwc1.com when paying by Paypal.

Advertise in both our free newsletters. Exhale, the newsletter about life's issues also reaches but is not specifically targeted to the African American Market.  This newsletter adds an additional twenty (20) members.

$7.50 for 1 year (12 issues of ATWC and 4 issues of Exhale).  Use dswhite@atwc1.com when paying by Paypal.

Sponsor Ad - Top of ATWC
ATWC, also offers top sponsor ads (In text or HTML) at $2.50 per issue.  Use dswhite@atwc1.com when paying by Paypal. 

D Swaps:
Ad Swaps are also accepted.  Simply send subject line "AD SWAP" in email to: advertising@atwc1.com.  Allowed 10 lines 60 characters. 

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To contact us:
Email: advertising@atwc1.com

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